среда, 30 апреля 2008 г.

Write InfoLog to database

There are several batch tasks running on the schedule in our company. They send many messages to InfoLog. Usually I am interesting messages of some type. It is not convenient scroll all messages in SysInfologBrowser form in search of required. I decided to implement the method for writing InfoLog to the database. After investigation of the Info class I wrote code listed below.

protected Log logTxt()




Integer fromIdx = transLogPoint + 1;

Integer toIdx = infoLog.num();

SysInfoLogEnumerator enum = SysInfologEnumerator::newData(infoLog.copy(fromIdx, toIdx));

Log logTxt;

DictEnum dictEnum = new DictEnum(enumNum(Exception));
while (enum.moveNext())

logTxt += strFmt("%1 \t %2\r\n",

strRem(enum.currentMessage(), #UserTab));

transLogPoint = toIdx;

return logTxt;


Variable transLogPoint keep the value of the last message index before start batch task.

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